John Harder
John Harder
Define Your Brand
First Name
Last Name
What do you want to be known for as far as your primary business or service? Don’t overthink it. This is the meat and potatoes.
What are the subcategories/services of that business? Sometimes our business has underlying things that serve our clients. It’s not the thing we directly promote, but still very much a part of the business. This is important to recognize because it may give your business just a little bit more of an edge, not to mention more talking points in your marketing.
Are there any areas of your business that you are not gifted in or interested in even doing? It’s important to ask yourself this question because you may be doing tasks that are actually taking away from your brand. We don’t want that! We want our businesses to give us life, not suck the life out of us!
Name someone who does work similar to what you do that you admire, respect, follow online, and wouldn’t mind emulating? This is ok to accept. We aren’t copiers, but people are successful for a reason. We want to be successful too! That’s why it’s important to recognize who is winning and why.
Where do you want to be with your business a year from now?
Who is your ideal client? GET SPECIFIC! What do they do for a living? Where do they go to have fun? Where do they shop? What magazines do they subscribe to? What social media platforms do they follow?
What type of client is NOT ideal for you? Know these people too! If you find yourself constantly trying to serve and speak to the people who are not an ideal client or customer it’s time to pivot.
What 3 words would you use to describe you? You are your brand so think about it. Look into your heart!
Are there any websites that you are drawn to? Why? Look at the layout, the offerings, etc. If someone else is designing your website, you can give them a point of reference. If you’re DIY-ing it, then you can get a little help if website design just ‘aint your thing!
Are there any social media accounts you are drawn to? Why? This may help you get clear on how you want to use social media for your business.
How would you describe the style you want to present? (ex. Light, dark, inspirational, casual, professional, etc) These words aren’t necessarily literal, but sometimes they can show up that way. It can carry over in our design, our marketing, our wording, our social media. If you know yourself and know the words that describe your style, make sure everything aligns as such!
Thank you!